Director | Being the head of the Department, Director is responsible for looking after development of Library Services in the State and formulate plan and schemes thereof. Besides, the Director is also controlling head of the administration and financial matter of the library services of the state. |
Deputy Director | To assist the Director to carry out his duties and functions |
Asstt. Director (P) | To assist the Director to carry out his duties and perform plan works of Directorate of Library Services, Assam. |
Superintendent | supervise the works allotted to the different assistants. |
District Librarian | To perform works for development of Library Services in the State/District level. |
Sub – Divisional Librarian | To perform works for development of Library Services in the State/Sub – Divisional level. |
Library Asstt. | To assist District Librarian indifferent matters |
Reference Librarian | To provide research and reference materials of Scholars as well as students of Colleges & Universities. |
Asstt.Librarian | One to perform ministerial work regarding library maters and another to perform developmental work for Dispur Branch Library. |
Accountant (HOD) | To perform all accounts matters and handling of cash. |
Senior Asstt. (HOD) | To perform ministerial works. |
Senior Asstt.-cum -Accountant (District) | To perform ministerial works along with accounts matters of the District Library and handling of cash. |
Planning Asstt. | To assist Asstt. Director (P) in plan works and others. |
Junior Asstt. (HoD) | To perform ministerial works of the Directorate of Library Services. |
Junior Asstt. (District & Sub –Division) | To perform ministerial works of the District and Sub – Divisional Libraries. |
Technical Asstt. (HoD) | To perform works relating to the books etc. in Research and Reference Section of Directorate of Library Services. |
Technical Asstt. (District) | To perform works relating to the books etc. in the District level. |
Counter Attendant | To attend the counter of the library and issue& receipt books as well as arrangement to the library section. |
Book Binder | To perform old and magazines of the library. |
Driver | To drive library vehicles. |
Duftry | To attend treasury and Bank for encasement of Govt. money. |
Handiman | To assist Driver and look after vehicle. |
Peon | To perform manual works. |
Chowkidar | To look after the library building and Govt. properties during day and night time. |
Mali | To perform works in flower garden. |
Sweeper | To perform cleaning and sweeping works of the library building and its premises etc. |